
MEDlove Summit 2012

08.00 am Doors open, Registration
09.15 am Welcome to MEDlove
09.30 am 01: Steven Dean (USA),
Sense and Sensemaking. How service design can help move us toward health.
10.00 am 02: Sylvain Cottong (LU),
People-centered innovation methods and strategies.
10.30 am Break: 25 min for coffee
11.00 am 03: Mark A.M. Kramer (AT),
Developing Participatory Design Strategies for ePatients.
11.30 am 04: Aleksanda Stojanovic (DE),
The Capitain´s Dilemma.
12.00 am Break: 85 min for lunch
01.30 pm 05: Alexander Steffen (DE),
Usability of medical devices.
02.00 pm 06: Angel Brown (UK),
Multichannel UX in the dawning age of digital healthcare services.
02.30 pm Break: 55 min to relax and network
03.30 pm 07: Rod Farmer (AU),
The connected individual - mobile and psychosocial wellbeing.
04.00 pm 08: Martje van der Linde (NL),
Go see the doctor... A customer journey from 3 perspectives.
04.30 pm Break: 55 min to relax and network
05.30 pm 09: Wiebke Lesch (DE),
Humans first! Subtitle: How patient empowerment drives human-centered innovation in research and healthcare.
06.00 pm 10: Peter Jones (USA),
Designing for Community: Future of Healthcare Service Innovation
6.35 pm Closing address
6.50 pm Dinner buffet
8 pm Networking time! Get some drinks and relax.
1 am That's all for this year, folks! Thanks for coming. Let's do it again in 2013.

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Alexander Steffen: Usability of medical devices

The safe and economical use of medical devices requires high usability. Therefore, UID supported HSG-IMIT in developing a drug delivery system for Parkinson patients. HSG-IMIT developed the dose cartridge „BuccalDose” which is part of a dental prosthesis. The drug delivery is directed towards the buccal mucosa. By using an assistive tool the patient is able to insert and to remove the cartridge independently. The function of the base station is to identify and analyze the filling level of the cartridge. The main issue when designing the base station and the assistive tool was to maximize the ease of use and to minimize handling errors. The limited physical abilities of the patients were special requirements for the concept and the design process.

A team of product designers and usability engineers worked out several use cases and developed different interaction patterns. In the first draft the designers made rough scribbles. These designs were refined and afterwards transferred into true to scale product sketches to build up a 3-D-model. Furthermore, UID and HSG-IMIT created a Usability Engineering File according to the standard DIN EN 62366.

The base station offers a maximum of comfort and information. Large icons and acoustic signals guide the patients in each action step. The large grip area of the assistive tool is easy to handle and supports the physical restrictions of the patients. Both functional units are characterized by their friendly and context-oriented design.

When designing a medical device understanding the user’s needs is one of the most important aspects to improve the usability and to meet the requirements of the DIN EN 62366. In this project different methods of the user centered design process were used to transform the complex requirements into a profound concept and design.

Angel Brown: Multichannel UX in the dawning age of digital healthcare services

As we start to see innovative adherence solutions and new ways to leverage the power of the quantified self, our jobs as UX professionals become more complicated. Being able to build engaging relationships with both the HCP and the patient throughout the treatment pathway is a significant shift in the way we are used to working. Dynamic, responsive, multichannel and personal are the new imperatives in this dawning era of pharma acting as as active provider of healthcare services. With mhealth already rising over the horizon, this is truly the next frontier.

But how do we make sense of the multichannel experience for the HCP and patient? These complicated journeys may begin with the launch of a new drug or upon an initial diagnosis. They may contain myriad touchpoints: from a poster to a Google search, from a call by a nurse or a group physio class to a reminder by SMS. Fortunately UX professionals can learn from the tools and frameworks of service design as we begin to chart our way into exciting new spaces.

In this talk we will cover:

  1. Principals of service design
  2. Selling it to your team
  3. Ways to create great customer journey maps and other key deliverables

Mark A.M. Kramer: Developing Participatory Design Strategies for ePatients

UX and Interaction Designers should be examining the impact of existing and emerging information & communications technologies and services to help redefining the interaction between patients and healthcare providers through ubiquitous communication scenarios. Participatory Design strategies are essential in helping to design and develop effective technology enhanced healthcare solutions.

This talk will discuss developing strategies to improve healthcare delivery and communication through enhanced mHealth user experiences.

Aleksanda Stojanovic: The Capitain´s Dilemma

Today, many people feel treated by their doctors and caregivers as if they were robots, objects or abstract numbers. Humanity seems to drown in the complexity of our healthcare systems and demografic shifts promises to make it worse. Paradoxically, it is the digital revolution that will put people and their needs back in the spotlight. Good news. But which role will digital thinkers, innovators, marketers and designers play in this revolution?

Aleks will highlight common failures by healthcare oriented digital services, business models and brands on their rocky way to redefine for a connected reality. Aleks, Managing Director at Razorfish Healthware in Germany and well demanded C-level digital strategist for the pharma, medtech and insurance industry is concerned: "The current trend to exclusively focus on the individual users perspective will turn out to be our final dead end. But there is no moral room for a bloody revolution. The path to human centered healthcare lies in the consistent establishment of coherent and perfectly balanced digital ecosystems."

Peter Jones: Designing for Community: Future of Healthcare Service Innovation

Many of the emerging technologies in medicine and envisioned approaches to healthcare point to a world of personalized medicine and Health 2.0 applications, the disruption of current healthcare business models and the huge investment in health IT. The quantified self and ePatients represent movements toward personal health management, enabled by portable access to cloud technologies. However, healthcare remains a human service, provided in professional contexts by multiple disciplines. The real problems of healthcare design are social and organizational, not technological. The human-centered reality of care delivery and community engagement are nearly forgotten in the rush to 2.0 solutions. Perhaps Health 3.0 should be dubbed the design of communities for care. Peter Jones shares concepts and research from his new book Design for Care: Innovating Healthcare Experience.

Rod Farmer: The connected individual - mobile and psychosocial wellbeing

I'll write up a paragraph, but effectively my talk will be focusing on how we need to address the psychological and social needs of communities, and mobile is a primary channel. I'll put something together asap, but wanted to be sure this was truly complimentary.

Naturally there will be a multi-channel UX bent to all of this, but will be a great topic I feel. I can talk about some of the work I've done in this space.

Sylvain Cottong: People-centered innovation methods and strategies

People-centered innovation methods and strategies are entering every area of orgnaizational design these days. In healthcare, practices like service design & user experience design can help to improve the experience & the efficiency in a traditionnaly highly regulated environment that almost enterely relied on inside-out thinking and governance until recently. Paradoxcially enough, healthcare is an area of practice where the 'human' is central to everything.

We will show how these practices can help to improve healthcare and propose a topoloy of areas where UX & SD methods can be used, illustrated by some examples.

Steven Dean: Sense and Sensemaking: How service design can help move us toward health.

Services have a significant impact in our everyday lives and in great measure determine the quality of our wellbeing. Design has an important role to play in making sense of the connectedness among the instrumental monitoring of individuals, personal change components of self-awareness, and the quality of the user experience and interaction among stakeholders including the tangible components that define the service experience.

Martje van der Linde: Go see the doctor.... A customer journey from 3 perspectives

The health industry is a complex field. It has to deal with many different stakeholders, complicated legislation, and an overload of regulations. As result, the healthcare industry is not primarily focussed on the most important stakeholder: the patient. Fortunately, over the past few years, the emergence of more and more online healthcare services (Electronic Health Records, patient portals) and a development in technological possibilities (eHealth, mHealth) has resulted in more attention for a 'patient-centered' approach.

User Intelligence believes that the healthcare industry can take the next step in putting the patient first by adopting a user centered design (UX) approach. To demonstrate the opportunities of such an approach, User Intelligence has conducted research into the customer journey of going to the general practitioner, seen from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders. The story of this journey will be shared with the audience, along with the most important pain points, possible solutions in the journey and practical learnings.

Wiebke Lesch: Title: Humans first! How patient empowerment drives human-centered innovation in research and healthcare

In order to create sustainable health services, better research and adherence in patient care providers and research organisations need to shift their approach. They need to transform themselves into patient-centered organisations. Illustrated with real world project examples (such as a cardiology unit in Germany’s largest university hospital and a German DNA-biobank) the lecture shows how a human-centered approach blending marketing communications and design methodologies helps creating accessible and engaging health experiences that take all stakeholders into account.


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